rav3ndust is the assumed pseudonym of me, your webmaster. I'm a weirdo who has a love of a few different things, mostly technology related. I also love anything related to off-grid living and alternative, renewable energy sources. I'll be writing about my weird hobbies here online. Some of my many interests include:
Linux and open-source software. I love having the ability to download, use, modify, and contribute to free and open source software projects. I also love the privacy benefits I gain from using these options over closed, walled gardens like those offered by Microsoft Windows and Apple's Mac.
Linux phones. I am a huge proponent of devices like the PinePhone and the Librem 5. I hope these devices have huge success and show people that there are alternative sources to the big names in tech when it comes to defending your privacy on mobile phones. It is also why I started my FOSSphones website, to allow people to find the news on these devices and their related operating system projects easily.
Off-grid living. I live with my wife on my property way out in the woods, and I am always interested in learning more about off-grid living solutions, things like renewable energy sources like solar power, gardening, and more.
Cryptocurrencies. I am enamoured with the very idea of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, and have done several mining and day trading projects on the side. Currently, I have a few crypto-related projects in the works that I will be happy to share in the future.
New Section: Videos!
I have a Videos page that you can check out now. On it, you will be able to find some of the video content I am working on. Right now, I am working on the GNU/Gaming series (featuring free and open-source video games) and my HTML Crash Course series, focusing on teaching basic web development methods to beginners. I'll also include links to my LBRY and YouTube channels on this page. Soon, I will have this page integrated into the navigation bar of this site.